Two papers accepted by ISCA 2023

Two papers accepted by ISCA 2023
Tianrui and Adith’s co-authored paper titled “LeCA: In-Sensor Learned Compressive Acquisition for Efficient Machine Vision on the Edge” and Tianrui’s paper titled “CamJ: Enabling System-Level Energy Modeling and Architectural Exploration for In-Sensor Visual Computing” are accepted by ISCA 2023

Tianrui Awarded Best Paper as ISLPED 2022

Tianrui Awarded Best Paper as ISLPED 2022
Our own Tianrui Ma won the award for best paper at IPSLED 2022 for his paper titled: HOGEye: Neural Approximation of HOG Feature Extraction in RRAM-Based 3D-Stacked Image Sensors.

Two papers accepted by DATE 2018 (11/08/2018)

Two papers accepted by DATE 2018 (11/08/2018)
Weidong’s paper titled “NeuADC: Neural Network-Inspired RRAM-Based Synthesizable Analog-to-Digital Conversion with Reconfigurable Quantization Support” and Huifeng’s paper titled “When Capacitors Attack: Formal Method DrivenDesign and Detection of Charge-Domain Trojans” are accepted by DATE 2019 Design, Automation and Test in Europe.

One paper accepted by MICRO 2018 (07/18/2018)

One paper accepted by MICRO 2018 (07/18/2018)
An’s paper titled “Voltage-stacked GPUs: A Control Theory Driven Cross-Layer Solution for Practical Voltage Stacking in GPUs” is accepted by 51st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO).

Two papers accepted by ISLPED 2018 (05/04/2018)

Two papers accepted by ISLPED 2018 (05/04/2018)
Xin’s paper titled “AxTrain: Hardware-Oriented Neural Network Training for Approximate Inference” and Liu’s paper titled “NNest: Early-Stage Design Space Exploration Tool for Neural Network Inference Accelerators” are accepted by ISLPED 2018 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design.

One paper accepted by IEEE JETCAS (04/30/2018)

One paper accepted by IEEE JETCAS (04/30/2018)
Xin’s paper titled “Joint Design of Training and Hardware Towards Efficient and Accuracy-Scalable Neural Network Inference” is accepted by IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems.

Prof. Zhang receives Outstanding Teacher Award (4/18/2018)

Prof. Zhang receives Outstanding Teacher Award (4/18/2018)
Prof. Xuan ‘Silvia’ Zhang is recognized for her teaching efforts and receives Outstanding Teacher Award conferred by the Preston M. Green Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering in the School of Engineering & Applied Science at Washington University in St. Louis.

Prof. Zhang and the PiCar team featured on HEC-TV (3/8/2018)

Prof. Zhang and the PiCar team featured on HEC-TV (3/8/2018)
The bio-inspired low-cost autonomous robotic platform, also known as PiCar, is featured on HEC-TV. The platform is developed by a team of five Washington University students under the guidance of Prof. Xuan ‘Silvia’ Zhang and Prof. Humberto Gonzalez. In the interview, Prof. Zhang and the PiCar team introduced their motivation and the technology used in […]

Two papers accepted by DAC 2018 (02/20/2018)

Two papers accepted by DAC 2018 (02/20/2018)
An’s paper titled “Efficient and Reliable Power Delivery in Voltage-Stacked Manycore System with Hybrid Charge-Recycling Regulators” and Yunfei’s paper titled “SRAM Based Opportunistic Energy Efficiency Improvement in Dual-Supply Near-Threshold Processors” are accepted by Proceedings of the 54th Annual Design Automation Conference 2018. ACM, 2018

Talk at CSE 591 Seminar (11/01/2017)

Talk at CSE 591 Seminar (11/01/2017)
Prof. Zhang gives talk “Achieve End-to-End Energy Efficiency in Autonomous Robotics” at CSE591 Seminar, Washington University in St. Louis, November 1st, 2017, St. Louis, USA.

Prof. Zhang received grants from NSF (09/15/2017)

Prof. Zhang received grants from NSF (09/15/2017)
Prof. Xuan Zhang (PI) and Prof. Christopher Gill (co-PI), received $936,504 grants from National Science Foundation to work on “CPS: Medium: Modular Power Orchestration at the Meso-scale”, starting from 09/15/2017. Prof. Zhang and Prof. Gill are featured on the SEAS news where they talked about their research vision.

Talk at Tsinghua University (06/07/2017)

Talk at Tsinghua University (06/07/2017)
Prof. Zhang gives talk “The Quest for an Artificial Micro-robotic Brain” at Department of Electronic Engineering Seminar, Tsinghua University, June 7th, 2017, Beijing, China.

Student team led by Prof. Zhang won prize at robotic competition

Student team led by Prof. Zhang won prize at robotic competition
The WashU team, led by Prof. Xuan ‘Silvia’ Zhang, competed with 33 other international teams in  Silk Road Robotics Innovations Competition held in Xi’an, China. The student robotic team comprises Adith Jagadish, Matthew Kollada, Meizhi Wang, William Luer and Andrew O’Sullivan, and their experience was featured on SEAS news here and here

Best paper nomination in DAC 2017 (05/23/2017)

Best paper nomination in DAC 2017 (05/23/2017)
Our DAC paper “Ivory: Early-stage design space exploration tool for integrated voltage regulators” is nominated by the Technical Program Committee as a DACBest Paper Candidate.

One paper accepted by TPE 2017 (05/11/2017)

One paper accepted by TPE 2017 (05/11/2017)
A co-authered paper “A Low Mass Power Electronics Unit to Drive Piezoelectric Actuators for Flying Microrobots”  is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2017).

One paper accepted by JSSC 2017 (05/03/2017)

One paper accepted by JSSC 2017 (05/03/2017)
Our paper titled “A Fully Integrated Battery-Powered System-on-Chip in 40-nm CMOS for Closed-Loop Control of Insect-Scale Pico-Aerial Vehicle” is accepted by IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 52.9 (2017): 2374-2387

Prof. Zhang received grants from NSF (05/01/2017)

Prof. Zhang received grants from NSF (05/01/2017)
Prof. Xuan Zhang received grants of $175,000 from National Science Foundation to work on “CRII: SaTC: Investigation of Side-Channel Attack Vulnerability in Near-Threshold Computing Systems”, starting from 05/01/2017..

Prof. Zhang received grants from SEAS CIG (05/01/2017)

Prof. Zhang received grants from SEAS CIG (05/01/2017)
Prof. Xuan Zhang (PI), and Prof. Christopher Gill (co-PI), received grants from School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) Collaboration Initiation Grants (CIG), Washington University in St. Louis to work on “Hardware Software Co-Design for Malleable and Adaptive Power Flow Orchestration”, starting from 05/01/2017. Their research award is announced on SEAS news.

Dengxue, Yunfei, and Zhuoer defended master thesis (04/30/2017)

Dengxue, Yunfei, and Zhuoer defended master thesis (04/30/2017)
Dengxue Yan defended his master thesis titled “Cache Power Optimization Using Multiple Voltage Supplies to Exploit Read/Write Asymmetry” and joined Fortinet. Congratulations, Dengxue! Yunfei Gu defended his master thesis titled “Investigating Read/Write Aggregation to Exploit Power Reduction Opportunities Using Dual Supply Voltages” and worked on his Ph.D. at The University of Virginia. Congratulations, Yunfei! Zhuoer defended her […]

Group members received DAC Travel awards (04/28/2017).

Group members received DAC Travel awards (04/28/2017).
An Zou received DAC travel award Richard Newton Fellowship ($500). Xin He received DAC travel award Ph.D. Forum Travel Grant. Liu Ke received DAC travel award Richard Newton Young Fellow award ($500).

One paper accepted by DAC 2017 (02/20/2017)

One paper accepted by DAC 2017 (02/20/2017)
An’s paper titled “Ivory: Early-stage design space exploration tool for integrated voltage regulators” is accepted by Proceedings of the 54th Annual Design Automation Conference 2017. ACM, 2017

One paper accepted by ISCAS 2017 (02/17/2017)

One paper accepted by ISCAS 2017 (02/17/2017)
Sri Harsha’s paper titled “Variance-based digital logic for energy harvesting Internet-of-Things” is accepted by Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2017 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2017.

Talk at TMSC Design Center (02/03/2017)

Talk at TMSC Design Center (02/03/2017)
Prof. Zhang gives talk “Efficient and Flexible Power Delivery for Future Computing Systems” at TSMC Design Center, February 3rd, 2017, Austin, USA.

One paper accepted by TVLSI 2017 (xx/xx/2017)

One paper accepted by TVLSI 2017 (xx/xx/2017)
Our co-authored paper titled ” 16-Core Voltage-Stacked System With Adaptive Clocking and an Integrated Switched-Capacitor DC–DC Converter.”  is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 25.4 (2017): 1271-1284.

Xin He joins our group. Welcome! (12/31/2016)

Xin He joins our group. Welcome! (12/31/2016)
Dr. Xin He joins our group in Dec 2016. He got his Ph.D. from State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Talk at Notre Dame University (09/19/2016)

Talk at Notre Dame University (09/19/2016)
Prof. Zhang gives talk “Designing Micro-Robotic Brain: A System-on-Chip Approach” at University of Notre Dame, September 19th, 2016, Notre Dame, USA.

Prof. Zhang received grants from NSF (09/01/2016)

Prof. Zhang received grants from NSF (09/01/2016)
Prof. Shantanu Chakrabartty (PI) and Prof. Xuan Zhang (co-PI) received $692,297.00 grants from National Science Foundation (NSF) to work on “CPS:TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Internet of Self-powered Sensors – Towards a Scalable Long-term Condition-based Monitoring and Mainte- nance of Civil Infrastructure”, starting from 09/01/2016. Prof. Chakrabartty and Prof. Zhang are feature on SEAS news, […]

Prof. Zhang received grants from I-CARES (05/01/2016)

Prof. Zhang received grants from I-CARES (05/01/2016)
Prof. Xuan Zhang (PI), Prof. Lan Yang (co-PI) received grants from International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy & Sustainability (I-CARES), Washington University in St. Louis to work on “Optical Resonator Based Miniature Lab-on-Chip for Air Quality Monitoring”, starting from 05/01/2016.

One paper accepted by JSSC 2016 (05/31/2016)

One paper accepted by JSSC 2016 (05/31/2016)
Our co-authored paper titled “A fully integrated reconfigurable switched-capacitor DC-DC converter with four stacked output channels for voltage stacking applications.”  is accepted by IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 51.9 (2016): 2142-2152.

Talk at HARSH workshop (03/12/2016)

Talk at HARSH workshop (03/12/2016)
Prof. Zhang gives talk “Resilient Accelerator-Rich System-on-Chip: Lessons Learned from Designing the Brain for Insect-Scale Robots” at HARSH Workshop, co-located with HPCA, March 12th, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.

Talk at WUSTL BME Seminar (10/15/2015)

Talk at WUSTL BME Seminar (10/15/2015)
Prof. Zhang gives talk “Autonomous System Miniaturization: Designing the Brain for Insect-Scale Flapping-Wing Robots” at BME Seminar, Washington University in St. Louis, October 15th, 2015, St. Louis, USA.

Talk at Institute of Computing Technology, China (07/02/2015)

Talk at Institute of Computing Technology, China (07/02/2015)
Prof. Zhang gives talk “Designing Micro-Robotic Brain: a System-on-Chip (SoC) Approach” at State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, July 2nd, 2015, Beijing, China.

Talk at Xidian University (06/27/2015)

Talk at Xidian University (06/27/2015)
Prof. Zhang gives talk “Designing Micro-Robotic Brain: a System-on-Chip (SoC) Approach” at Xidian University, June 27th, 2015, Xi’an, China.